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AppFlash is a side screen app experience available on certain Verizon mobile devices. It provides an easy way to find movie, restaurant, music and app recommendations. AppFlash privacy practices are covered by Verizon’s Privacy Policy as well as the specific privacy practices described here. If there is a conflict between the two policies, the practices described in this policy govern when you are using AppFlash.

Read Verizon's Privacy Policy

Information we collect and how we use it.

We collect information about your device and your use of the AppFlash services, including your mobile telephone number, device identifiers, device type and operating system, the list of apps on your device and your use and interactions with app features and services

AppFlash also collects your device’s precise location and contact information you store on your device when you permit it. Consistent with your permissions, location information may be collected even when AppFlash is not in use.

The information we collect is used to deliver, maintain and support AppFlash services; enhance application features; customize and personalize your experiences including the advertisements you see; and provide social network interactions. Location information enhances your AppFlash experience, by, for example, providing nearby restaurant and movie options. Contact information stored on your device is used to facilitate calls you initiate from within the AppFlash experience.

Information we share.

AppFlash information (including location information) may be shared with Verizon Media to help provide you with more relevant advertising within AppFlash and on other sites, apps and services on the devices you use.

Your choices.

You can change your choices about AppFlash’s use of location information using the location settings on your device.

You can opt-out of receiving interest based ads in apps on your mobile device using  the  “Limit Ad Tracking” capability on your device.  You can use Verizon Media Privacy Controls to opt out of receiving ads across the sites, apps and devices you use.

Last Update: February, 2021