Remote work tips for public sector agencies
Meet the sudden shift to working off-site with these tips for secure connection and collaboration.
Read the articleBest practices for using persistent collaboration tools
Help your employees communicate and collaborate more efficiently, no matter where they’re working.
Read the articleMobile security in the public sector
Get an in-depth look at mobile-security risks in local, state and federal government agencies.
Read the report
Agencies need coverage they can trust.
Uncertain times can bring unforeseen challenges. Verizon’s continuity solutions help ensure your public sector organization stays securely connected—so you can focus on mission-critical operations and serving the community.
Real solutions to serve changing community needs
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Digital Transformation in a New Age
A Webinar Series
Session #3
Enabling Vaccine Deployment
Held on May 5, 2021
Digital Transformation in a New Age, is a future-focused webinar series for Public Sector brought to you by Verizon. Join us for the third installment in the series: "Enabling Vaccine Deployment." COVID-19 vaccinations continue, representing the most urgent mass immunization campaign since polio shots were rolled out in the 1950s.
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